eylül, 2024

pazar22eyl00:00VancouverFANCY WOMEN BIKE RIDE Organizatör: Zeynep Çalışır



Zeynep Çalışır


Vancouver has among the highest rates of women’s cycling in North America and we have the opportunity to continue the momentum and to lead cities around the world.

FANCY. FIERCE. FUN. You are invited to join Fancy Women Bike Ride.

The #FancyWomenBikeRide was born in 2013 in Izmir, Turkey and has since become a global women’s movement. Every year, FWBR is held on World #CarFreeDay and has grown to over 120 cities worldwide.

Because women can change the world, and the bicycle can help. Women’s visibility in urban spaces is key to claiming the right to the city. Cycling is a powerful way for women to become visible in society and a completely new way to interact with the city. Fancy Women Bike Ride is an event for women, organized by women to call for infrastructure and inspiration. The more women who cycle, the more women will be encouraged to cycle. FWBR will remind Vancouverites of (and introduce others to) the liberating joys of cycling and inspire more women to bicycle in cities by riding together along the great Adanac/Union bikeway/Seawall.

– Dress code: Fancy, fierce, fabulous (whatever makes you feel beautiful, strong and great!)
– Decorate your bicycle, pose for the cameras and take selfies, greet & smile at people during the ride.
– Be inclusive to all womxn and support those new to cycling (offer help!)
– Bring your friends, mothers, aunties & sisters and be prepared for a magical afternoon.

Men can join so long as they ride with us, not ahead of us. Children are welcome so long as they are capable of riding a bike. Participation indicates that you are able to safely ride a bike in a group, are aware that it is the law to wear a helmet, and you consent to having your photo taken – FWBR and the organizers are not liable.

No registration required.

You may contact your local FWBR organizer and ask her if she needs help.