eylül, 2024
pazar22eyl00:00GöteborgFANCY WOMEN BIKE RIDE Organizatör: Meltem Tuna
Meltem Tuna
Kvinnor och barn är välkomna till Fancy Women Bike Ride i Göteborg den 18 september. Kvinnor i alla åldrar i Göteborg cyklar tillsammans kring aktiviteten
Datum: 17 september 2023
Tid: 13:00
Kontakt: 076 922 73 40 (Meltem Tuna)
Fancy Women Bike Ride is an event for women, organized by women to remember the liberating joy of cycling and to inspire more women to use bicycle in the cities.
The more women cycle, the more women will be encouraged to cycle.
Ride with us.
The guidelines for Fancy Women Bike Ride are as follows (although, these are not strict rules) :
Dress code: fancy, Decorate your bicycle, Pose for the cameras and take selfies, Greet people during the bike ride, Bring your best friend.
The idea for these events began in 2013 in Izmir, Turkey. Every year, Fancy Women Bike Ride is held on World Car Free Day in 200 cities all over the world.